Star Wars/YouTube
A “Star Wars” spinoff is receiving backlash from fans for pushing LGBT ideology in what has become a trend in recent adaptations of popular franchises. “The Acolyte” recently premiered on Disney+, and it’s been clear since before the series officially became available to subscribers that the program was designed to appeal to a progressive audience.…

Kathy Hutchins / | Inset: Elliott Cowand Jr. /
On May 4, also known as Star Wars Day, actress Carrie Fisher will be posthumously honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Fisher, who died from a heart attack in December 2016, played Princess Leia in the “Star Wars” franchise for almost 40 years. The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce will reveal Fisher’s…

“Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker” opened to some mixed reviews, but that’s not stopping anyone from dropping money to go see it. Estimates are being put at $40-$55 million being brought in during Thursday nights preview. Further estimates are expecting over $100M for the weekend, with some statics even suggesting closer to $175M. If it…

As the new Star Wars movie Solo makes its debut, the American Bible Society decided to survey people to find out if they could tell the difference between a quote from Jesus and a quote from Han Solo and the results were astonishing. As part of the American Bible’s Society’s annual State of the Bible…

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