When it comes to awards shows, life is good these days. The Grammys’ ratings were up by a third over last year and rivaled what “American Idol” gets. The “Golden Globes” also did well, as Oscar is up next. But one of the least rated and unspectacular shows of all time is the one that…

I read with interest the post by fellow Idol Chatter blogger Kris Rasmussen, as well as several other articles regarding the news from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences that they’ll now nominate ten movies for the Best Picture category instead of five. Contrary to what many writers, bloggers, posters and commentators seem to think…I…

The public lined up for days. They camped out on the streets. All for a bleacher seat–a chance to see the celebs, the stars, the finest of Hollywood’s crop from this year. And if you couldn’t go there in person, you could watch two hours worth of arrivals on E! Television and another half-hour on…

‘Jai Ho!’ I defy you not to get up, grab a scarf, put it around your neck, grab the ends and get your groove on when you hear the infectious beats of A.R. Rahman’s Academy award-winning song from 2008’s Best Picture winner, “Slumdog Millionaire.” It was a slumdog throwdown at last night’s Oscar award show,…

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