Forget DiCaprio’s films—La La Land is the new reigning champion of the Academy Awards with 14 Oscar nominations. This places the film amongst the likes of Titanic and All About Eve, which are the only other two films in the history of the Academy Awards with that number of nominations. But while La La Land’s…

Despite some amazing films up for nomination, the last award of the night, best picture, was given to Spotlight, a film about Boston Globe investigative reporters digging into a sexual abuse scandal involving Catholic priests. Spotlight was nominated for 6 Academy Awards this year. Due to The Revenant winning best director and best actor, viewers…

Now that the Oscars have brought at end to the 2010 movie award season, I was reminded this evening of the movie which I feel qualifies as the Most Overlooked Movie of the 2010 movie award season. Each year, there seems to be one amazing movie that is overlooked by Oscar but will last in…

One of the most underwhelming Oscar shows of all-time sure stood in contrast to perhaps the most significant–if, indeed, the last–of the Barbara Walters Specials. I was on the West Coast so I watched it after the Oscars and, yikes, did I see first hand how much times have changed since she first launched her…

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