Idol Chatter

No character on television represents my own spiritual journey better than Gregory House, protagonist of FOX’s “House.” Flawed yet searching, abrasive in his search for answers, Dr. House has gone through a series of challenges, culminating with last season’s near-death experience. And now that the cranky doctor is still alive and back for a third…

…Or so the comedian-turned-liberal political commentator claims during the initial moments of the documentary “Al Franken: God Spoke,” opening in limited released tomorrow. Hilariously dressed in a Santa Claus-like beard and holding a Ten Commandment-esque tablet–presumably Al Franken’s mode of representing God–the film opens with Franken’s voice booming amid the clouds: “God Spoke! God spoke…

St. Francis Church in Macon, GA, is putting a stake through the heart of boring adult education classes, while providing pop culture aficionados with a learning opportunity they can really sink their teeth into. Starting this Thursday, the church will launch “The Gospel According to Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” an adult-ed class designed to explore…

As Kris describes, several of former President Clinton’s advisors and administration officials had put pressure on ABC to cancel–or at least change the story and dialogue–of its 9-11 miniseries, which began last night and ends tonight. I am struck by the hypocrisy of it. The show that ran last night contained changed and deleted scenes.…

Guy Ritchie, sometimes known these days as Mr. Madonna, recently fell asleep during a Kabbalah meditation service. It’s okay, it happens to everyone–we may not be celebrities, but we understand. We’re all busy, what with our jujitsu and jetlag and all that living in castles with bodyguards. Not to mention that our wives are constantly…

Despite protests, petitions, and threats of boycott, the first part of ABC’s mini-series “The Road to 9/11″ aired last night. Many political pundits and liberal media watchdogs were crying foul–even though some of them hadn’t seen an advance copy of the movie–because they felt it was spinning the facts to be sympathetic to Bush’s handling…

Both Kris and Doug, in their own separate ways, downplay the controversy over ABC’s “The Path to 9/11” miniseries. Maybe it’s just that, unlike them, I am a stereotypical East Coast liberal, but I can’t dismiss Democrats’ complaints over the TV movies’ exaggerations and fabrications so easily. Let’s not forget another based-on-fact miniseries pulled–not just…

“I would never steal anyone’s boyfriend. It’s bad karma, and I’m a big believer in karma–hence the fact that I’ve studied kabbalah. I’m very true to the ‘Treat people the way you want to be treated’ sort of thing.” –Lindsay Lohan Hollywood’s favorite tabloid starlet appears on the cover of this month’s Elle magazine, disarmingly…

“Happy Hour” premieres tonight on Fox, and it’s not worth rushing home for. Get some more work done, or tune into a game, or just enjoy whatever real-life Happy Hour you’re coming from. This show’s a dud, at least at first review. “Happy Hour” tries to be “Cheers” and “Friends” at the same time, and…

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