Say the words “biblical epic,” and certain things come to mind. Charlton Heston, Cecil B. Demille, Yul Brynner. Heavy makeup, especially eyeliner. English accents, for sure. Grandiose sets, costumes, and plot points, at the expense of biblical accuracy. Long speeches set in archaic language, with lots of “lo, behold”s and “yea, though thou hast”s. Some…

Is there room for two movies about Truman Capote? That’s the multimillion dollar question Hollywood is asking about “Infamous” (opening in limited release Friday), which tells the story of how the larger-than-life writer researched and wrote his groundbreaking nonfiction novel “In Cold Blood.” Yes, it’s the same story told in last year’s Oscar-winning “Capote.” And…

Looking for a good B-movie sci-fi thrill? Well, “Final Days of Planet Earth,” billed by the Hallmark channel as an apocalyptic three-hour movie “event,” premieres this Saturday, October 14th. And of course, when I say good, what I really mean is “Gilmore Girls” movie good: so ridiculous you can’t stop watching, great for laughs at…

Perhaps no director has spent more time examining the seedy underbelly of modern American culture than Martin Scorsese (“Goodfellas,” “Gangs of New York”), and his newest effort, “The Departed,” is no exception. Scorsese brings his trademark no-holds-barred grit and gloom to a cat-and-mouse game between two young men–one a cop and the other a crook…

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