Interested in some President Bush-bashing? Two new films–one about the Dixie Chicks’ grudge match with the president, and the other a mockumentary about the fictional assassination of the president–were released on Friday. I haven’t seen either, but both are being positioned as “talking points” for November’s midterm elections, according to a article. “Dixie Chicks:…

“Conversations with God“–the true life story of Neale Donald Walsch, the bestselling author of the book series of the same name–hits screens nationwide this weekend. The books have sold more than 7 million copies worldwide, and the first one sat on the New York Times bestseller list for well over a year. (You can watch…

Ramadan, the Muslim holy month of fasting, is now over. But Naeem Randhawa’s revealing new documentary, “American Ramadan,” (released this month) continues to chug its way around the world. Its been picked up by local PBS channels, Link TV, and international satellite stations such as Pakistan’s GEO TV and Al-Jazeera. First-time director Randhawa takes a…

Laura Marshall (Laura Linney), an extreme religious fundamentalist, is the villain in “Driving Lessons,” a semi-autobiographical comedy written and directed by Jeremy Brock. But is Brock, who also incorporated spirituality into his adaptation of “The Last King of Scotland” (co-written with Peter Morgan), commenting on what he sees as the repressive nature of that type…

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