With Apartheid in South Africa having officially ended in 1990, a political thriller like “Catch A Fire,” which went to wide release this past weekend, could easily feel like it is outdated or, at the very least, feel like a story we have heard before. Yet this bio-pic about the true story of activist Patrick…

I guess every discussion of Borat–the character brought to life by Jewish comedian Sacha Baron Cohen and the film featuring that character–has to begin with that pivotal moment in country-western anti-Semitism, “Throw the Jew Down the Well.” We could discuss, as has been discussed over and over again, whether such a song–and such a character–encourages…

While the controversial documentary “Jesus Camp” has inspired plenty of criticism and little box office success, the film has had one significant impact for the director of the camp depicted in the film, Becky Fisher: The camp, Kids on Fire, is temporarily shut down. Fisher has been running her camp at a site in Devils…

There are “scary” movies, and then there are “Halloween” movies, and then there are “scary Halloween movies.” With all respect to well-done “scary” movies such as “Silence of the Lambs,” “Psycho,” “Alien,” “The Shining,” “Jacob’s Ladder,” the original “Nightmare on Elm Street,” and the clever “Texas Chainsaw Massacre,” I think there’s something different about movies…

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