The one movie I have been anxiously waiting to see all summer long is the limited-release romantic drama-posing-as-a-musical, “Once.” Critics have been heaping praise on it, and now I can understand why. What seems like a very simple, formulaic tale–boy meets girl, boy and girl can’t be together because they are from different worlds, boy…

There are two kinds of reality shows: One where the contestants have to have some kind of talent or skill (“Top Chef,” “Project Runway,” “American Idol”), and one where participants are just chosen based on looks or personality (“The Real World,” “America’s Next Top Model”). CBS’s “Big Brother” is obviously in the latter category. This…

Here at Beliefnet, everyone loves angels. We even have an entire section of the site devoted to them. I think angels are great and all, but as with anything, sometimes you just want to get away from the stuff that you work with all day long. I’m sure at the end of the day bakers…

This may be a banner summer for Hollywood at the box office, but a movie milestone of a different kind was reached last month for the evangelical association Campus Crusade, International. Their cinematic adaptation of the Gospel of Luke, titled “The Jesus Project,” has now been translated into 1,000 languages–and that makes it the most…

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