That the societies, culture, and traditions of countries like Tibet, Pakistan, India, and others in South Asia are becoming diluted by western influences has long been the grievance of many patriots and thinkers. This sentiment is a familiar theme in author Pankaj Mishra’s works, especially in his latest book “Temptations of the West: How To…

You have to admire Billy Bob Thornton’s consistency. A dozen years ago, when he was up for an Oscar for his self-directed performance in “Sling Blade,” he told the Washington Post, “I think religion is a good thing. The problem is people who take it into their own hands and use it for their own…

I don’t care for disease-of-the-week TV movies, and I especially don’t care for movies that think they know how to dramatize the plight of Alzheimer’s Disease (don’t even get me started on “The Notebook”). And a lot of this has to do with my years of struggle and turmoil dealing with a family member who…

In this season of unending presidential coverage, debates, campaigning, newsmagazine teases, ad infinitum and ad nauseam, I figured it’d be a good time to reflect on some of the most inspiring presidents of our generation–on the big screen and the small screen of course, at least according to this: My list of “The Top Ten…

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