I’m sick and tired of committing to shows, watching faithfully every week, and then seeing them cancelled without any resolution of the story lines. Last year it was the abrupt cancellation of “Invasion” after what I thought was a pretty gripping first year. This year I could accept the “Gilmore Girls” ending after seven seasons–that seemed fair (though the end was not the most satisfying episode).

But I can’t accept that “Veronica Mars” is over.

I know that this news has been out for a while now–and I’d heard rumors about how what seemed like everybody’s favorite girl detective was going off the air–but I avoided finding out the truth. Until last night. I finally went searching to see if the rumors are true–that “Veronica Mars” ended last week with all sorts of plot lines hanging in the air (her dad in trouble, her old boyfriend Logan left defending her honor, and it’s apparently true. The CW will leave its fans hanging, unsatisfied.

Apparently, “Jericho” fans have similar problems with CBS’s cancelling of this apocalyptic series that had some fans addicted, “Star Trek”-style. In “End-of-Days Fidelity For ‘Jericho’” Virginia Heffernan of the New York Times reported about traumatic audience reaction to the news that Jericho has seen its last days. And this despite the fact that people write fan fiction(!!) about the show. (That’s serious “Buffy”-style devotion there). And apparently they send peanuts–tons and tons of peanuts–to CBS as a clever (or nutty?) way of conveying the message that CBS is “nuts” for so heartlessly destroying their religion.

Heffernan mentions us “Veronica Mars” devotees in passing, but apparently we aren’t as devout a group as to warrant a whole article.

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