Some time ago, I sat with a group of friends. One of the women was going through a divorce and her husband was playing games and behaving badly. He was also charming and handsome and still welcomed by many. My friend sat exasperated when someone mentioned that they had been somewhere with him the past…

In the fall just before school would start at St. Luke’s Elementary School, my mom would take me shopping. Shoe shopping that is. The only kinda apparel shopping Catholic school kids are gifted with. The big decision each year???? Saddle shoes or Mary Janes? My mom loved it. She adored the uniform life. Me, not…

I sit with a friend who has recently divorced. She is a beautiful person with an equally beautiful heart. The more we talk, the more I realize that she still struggles with one thing. It is actually what I have struggled most with and what the majority of divorced people struggle with. The effect divorce…

I am out to lunch with my friends Anne and Jan. Jan has recently lost two people in her life. “I’ve lost my anchors,” she says. I feel her words deeply. There have been so many times these past several years that I have wished for my mom or my uncle who was like my…

My friend “Crystal” calls me. She tells me she has just read one of my recent columns, “The Weak Moments of Divorce” – aka the column where I wrote about listening to our honeymoon song, “Red, Red Wine” on the radio. “Crystal” gets it. She’s been divorced. She understands the yin and the yang. The…

I am a bit nervous this morning. I am on the way to meet a friend. We have a few too many, obvious parallels and instead of feeling this is helpful it makes me sad. I never, ever, want to see a heart hurt again. Let alone one that would have never had the courage…

I am in my car. I am lost in thought as I listen to Sara Evan’s song, “I Get A Little Bit Stronger.” It is a song that is an ode to healing little by little after a lost relationship. Today there are no tears like these songs usually drag out of me. It could…

I feel compelled to share this unbelievable video. It is prompted by the innocence and purity of love of a six year little old girl. I am so taken by the insight and words of this young child that I have actually highlighted below some of her most powerful quotes. Below that you will find…

I am busy cleaning this morning, but can’t keep my eyes off the television. I watch the President and the Pope walk towards the platform to address the crowd. I am transfixed by Pope Francis, as is much of the world. I listen to the correspondents. They point out that it is not only the…

I sit with my shrimp salad and iced tea before me. The restaurant is busy and seating limited. An older woman squeezes into the bench next to me. We sit side by side, enjoying our salads for one with chit chat for two. Our conversation progresses from living in this metropolitan area, to my column…

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