I sit in the coffee shop about to write this column.  Someone I know stops to sit at my table. “Colleen, I just wanted to let you know I have brain cancer.” I am at a loss. What do you say to someone who has just received this news? These are the days the world…

Couples usually go to marriage counseling with the belief that their better half is the true reason they have ended up in counseling. In truth, it takes two people to arrive at this destination. Some relationships experience a slow and neglectful erosion and therefore, it makes sense both individuals must take responsibility. The time and…

Most people think of ‘intimacy’ strictly in terms of romantic liaisons. The reality? An increasingly fast-paced, technology driven, take-out dinner society is hurting intimacy in all of our relationships. Intimacy is a sharing of one’s self. A few ways to restore emotional intimacy in your life: Pick up the phone: Nothing is perhaps more shocking…

In the span of two days, my chocolate lab Hazel has stolen my dinner, overdosed on a package of contraband doggie treats, dug through the trash and pooped in my living room. I am extremely tolerant. I am after all, not just a doggie person. I am the quintessential animal lover. Hazy could ravage my…

As much as we talk about putting down our cell phones we seldom do. Technology has become a widely acceptable addiction.  Sexting aside, it has put a cramp in relationship intimacy. One that extends far beyond romantic liaisons and into our basic life relationships. The ones that establish the foundation of who we are, our…

When people hear my uncle was a priest they assume I led a life influenced by biblical formality. Nothing could be farther from the truth. My uncle was not a man to preach, that is of course unless he was standing on the altar. I like to say my uncle was an ordinary guy from…

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