
Here’s a newsflash – I’ve been thinking a lot about the economy recently. It’s hard not to, of course. Who hasn’t been touched by the recession in one way or another, and who isn’t at least a little worried? As with many things I worry about, I haven’t broached the topic with my children. If…

I’m discovering a whole world of Jewish mommy bloggers, and I’m fantasizing about having one giant shabbat dinner together…..or maybe even a shabbaton? But for now a virtual shabbat will have to do. So here’s my shabbat meme, otherwise known as a shmeme. (Someone has to make these up, right?) 1. Challah – home baked…

Yesterday I received an email from Artscroll, an Orthodox publishing house, with a prayer to be recited over one’s children on Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan, the evening before the new month of Sivan begins. The email explains that since the Jews received the Torah in the month of Sivan, and thus became God’s children, this…

Rebecca! Thanks to for selecting the winner of the Nicole Engblom mezuzah.

You might be familiar with the book The Shabbat Box, by Lesley Simpson. It’s a sweet story about a little boy whose preschool teacher sends home a special shabbat box with a different student each Friday. On his week, he loses the box in the snow and decides to make his own hand-crafted version to…

Since I’ve finally mailed off the prize for my last contest, I thought it was time for another giveaway. Since I’m a big advocate of putting a mezuzah on the door, I’m giving away a very cute child’s mezuzah case, donated by artist Nicole Engblom for my book tour in 2007. To enter, just leave…

There were no Lag B”Omer bonfires in our town. So, we made our own. I almost can’t believe this is my backyard.    finally used those Passover marshmallows     Rabbi Riqi claims to be a pacifist Zoe did not wait for the marshmallows to get roasted

  once again After seeing a sudden spike in visitors to my blog, I discovered that if you do a google-images search for breastfeeding, my site is the first one to come up. I guess any traffic is good traffic, and if the whole world knows about my low milk supply, so be it. Which…

Yes, it’s last week’s parhsa. So stone me. I delivered the dvar torah in shul this morning, while our Rabbi is on sabbatical. This week’s Torah portion consists of a long a list of important laws about the Priesthood, the tabernacle, and sacred festivals. Tucked into the last aliyah,  is a short story about a…

I found this list, written by my five year old, while cleaning off the kitchen table this morning. For those of you less experienced with creative spelling, it looks like my family was voting on whether to give me breakfast in bed, a nightgown, a song or a flower. I’m not sure what a corb…

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