
Tu B’Shevat, also known as the New Year of the Trees, (also also known as “the Jewish Arbor Day,” as if anyone even knows what regular Arbor day is…) falls on the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shevat. If you live in Israel, then you have some chance of seeing trees in bloom. If you live in New England, you are knee deep in snow and praying your roof doesn’t collapse.

If you google Tu B’shevat, you’ll find lots of popular suggestions for ways to celebrate….plant trees in Israel, go to a Tu B’shevat seder, put parsley seeds in a paper cup, break your teeth on some carob……Here are 15 ideas you might not have already thought of.

1. Look at the shadow of a tree under the full moon.

2. Make and eat a “seven species” salad.

3. Create some beautiful almond-tree inspired art work.

4. Learn and sing the John Gorka song Branching Out.

5. Read A Tree Named Steve.

6. Play Meet a Tree in the snow.

7. Let your children decorate the windows.

8. Buy, or start to save for, an Xtracycle.

9. Make a recycled egg carton greenhouse, and plant herbs (not just parsley) for your Passover seder.

10. Get a good Winter Tree Finder and learn to identify trees without their leaves.

11-15. Donate $1 to the Teva Learning Center. Repeat.

Any more suggestions? Please leave them as comments below.

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