According to Byron Katie – “Thoughts have no power over us until we believe them.”  Is that true? For me, it is one of the most important elements in inner transformation. It is a key in understanding life. If you believe you are stupid, then you will find evidence that you are stupid. That’s why…

How about replacing fear of the unknown with something different? Curiosity. Be curious. Curiosity comes naturally to children, so why not adults? If you relax into it, it will spontaneously arise. Stop seeking so hard, searching, yearning, wanting, craving. It only causes suffering. Relax into life. Breathe. You will find it isn’t hard, if you…

Everything you’ve ever done prepared you for this moment. To be reading this right now is no accident. It happened for a reason, for a purpose, perhaps difficult to conceive of right now. Destiny is calling! Nothing happened by accident. You are whom you are for a reason. You’re here for a purpose….and you are…

In particularly difficult times when I am certain I could not possible survive, I like to remind myself about the past. My track record is pretty good for enduring difficulties and “impossible” odds. In fact, I have 100% record of surviving. That’s a great record, isn’t it? When you lie in fear, your abilities become…

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