AUGUST MESSAGE Active and passive qualities, masculine and feminine qualities – we all share them. If we remain entirely passive, usually nothing will get done, and we could easily become lonely and depressed. So it depends what you seek, what makes you happy, what you would like to choose for yourself. Like most things, usually…

Strange times now, strange world always. Time is short and we are just passing through this world. Participants and also observers, wandering through time. What if the universe is telling us to paint? To dance, to sing, to talk to other people (as in real conversations), to connect to others (and self), I mean really…

“The highest aim of any spiritual path is letting go, trusting that at the level of spirit, everything is always unfolding perfectly. Embrace uncertainty and cherish it as tenderly as a newborn baby.” ~ Deepak Chopra I feel Deepak’s Chopra’s message is relevant to all humanity right now as we are gripped by collective fear…

1. Fear Not Fear, hysteria, panic and anxiety only serve to weaken our bodies. Our immune system responds to fear and the type of biochemical stress hormones our bodies produce (Adrenaline, Cortisol, Norepinephrine) with suppression. It is actually fear that makes us more susceptible to illnesses like Coronavirus. Fear imitates an orchestra of chemicals and…

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