Love is the most powerful force in the universe. Love and kindness can transform anything. It is just a matter of time, because at our core, we all want to be loved. Living a healthy, fulfilling and successful life is actually quite simple. Follow the Golden Rule, be kind to others. By following goodness…

  Everything is life is based on cause and effect. There must be an action to create a reaction. Metaphysics is the study of cause and effect in the universe. The good news is your beliefs support your positive creativity and well being. The bad news is your beliefs destroy your positive creativity and well…

To achieve excellence and success in any area, it requires positive, powerful and congruent beliefs that send commands directly to your brain and nervous system.  When you believe something it actually puts you into a state or reality of it being true.  Empowering beliefs are powerful forces that create good in your life.  Limiting beliefs…

My previous blog presented very important concepts. Your beliefs and thoughts must be aligned to manifest. You must see yourself having it and be worthy to have it. Your belief systems create your values.  All decisions stem from your values and beliefs. This is your core truth and your foundation. You will only develop strong…

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