To achieve excellence and success in any area, it requires positive, powerful and congruent beliefs that send commands directly to your brain and nervous system.  When you believe something it actually puts you into a state or reality of it being true.  Empowering beliefs are powerful forces that create good in your life.  Limiting beliefs on the other hand, can destroy your life and lead you to unhealthy and hurtful choices, actions and consequences. 

Beliefs serve as a road map to your success as they guide you and empower you to take appropriate action to create and achieve the outcomes and results that you want in life.  They mix with faith and passion and provide energy and fuel for you to climb any mountain and achieve any goal.

In all instances, the one constant that most powerfully affected all results was belief, the consistent, congruent messages delivered to the brain and nervous system.  Belief is nothing but a state, an internal representation that governs behavior.  The birth of excellence begins with our awareness that our beliefs are a choice.  It is our belief that determines how much of our potential we will be able to tap.  Beliefs can turn on or off the flow of ideas.’    Tony Robbins

There are five areas that affect beliefs:

1)   Your environment – (home, work, car, nature, etc.)

2)   The events in your life (9/11, the Olympics, economy, etc.)

3)   Knowledge (direct experience, reading, movies, internet, other people)

4)   Past results

5)   Creating in your mind what you desire

You can only achieve something that you congruently believe.  Take a self inventory.
Take a look at the most important things you want in your life and do not yet have.
You probably have limiting beliefs that conflict with your thoughts, desires and goals.
It is wise to discover any limiting key beliefs that you have in your life….specifically concerning your spirituality, health, relationships, work and financial success.

Once you discover a key, limiting belief take a few breathes and acknowledge it.  The very act of acknowledging and accepting it allows it to dissolve.  It is what it is, do not try to change it, just let it be and tell the truth.  Once your awareness sees this for what it is, something in you relaxes.  Now, you can make a new choice.  Create a strong, positive belief that supports you and what you want in your life.

Create an affirmation that resonates with you and your truth and feels good.   Consistently empower yourself with this new reality.  See it, say it to yourself, sing it,feel it and imagine it over and over again until it is your new key belief and core value.

Every successful and powerful person and leader harnessed the magic of belief, faith and commitment.  They had positive energy, vision and purpose fueling them on to greatness.  They took action until they succeeded.  They were knocked down many times, but they got back up and moved forward every time.

You can have whatever you want.  You are your greatest asset, so make sure your beliefs and thoughts support your highest quality of life and well being.  Then see it, feel it, imagine it and trust it.  Channel your energy and emotions into positive action.  ‘Live the life you have imagined.’

🙂 Lee
The Mega Coach

‘I am spiritually aware, mentally peaceful, emotionally stable, physically healthy, abundantly prosperous, have ideal personal relationships and circumstances and always thrive and flourish in all aspects of my life.’    

Roy Eugene Davis

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