Last night the remaining Top 9 American Idol contestants performed (again) and tonight we’ll see which two are going home. That’s right: last week the judges used their only save of the season to keep Big Mike around another week. Which means that two contestants go home tonight to keep to the schedule. So here’s…

Tonight the remaining Top 9 Idol contestants perform live – again. Last week the judges opted to save Big Mike Lynche, so tonight all 9 will perform again, and two contestants will go home tomorrow. We’ll see the performances tonight, with guest mentor Adam Lambert. Entertainment Weekly’s Michael Slezak talked to Idol producer Ken Warwick,…

Last night the Top 9 contestants on American Idol performed the songs of Lennon and McCartney, and tonight we see which contestant is going home. It’ll be a tough one, because for the most part everyone did really well. Who knew? We’ll also see performances from Rihanna, David Archuleta, and Jason Derulo. Join me here…

Entertainment Weekly’s Michael Slezak broke the news today that former Idol runner up Adam Lambert will be the guest mentor on American Idol on April 13. The question is: good idea or bad? Personally, I don’t care either way. If any former contestant can help the current crop understand how to navigate the show, it’s…

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