Maureen Pratt Author PicSo often, we hear about “holidays” and “vacations” in the same breath that we forget that so many people might not be so fortunate as to have time off this week or next. There are the obvious workers : the first responders, servicemen and women, and medical professionals for whom work does not take a holiday (nor can the). There are also the members of the clergy, church musicians, and others who combine faith with work and for whom Christmas is a highly-busy, energetic time to not only worship but, also, labor.

If you are juggling a chronic illness with work and the holidays, you’re probably feeling more stress and pressure than usual. And even if you don’t have health challenges, it can be difficult to raise a joyful voice and sing “Hallelujah!” (except, perhaps to herald the end of the frantic holiday season!).

For those who work, this TLC Tuesday I’d like to gently encourage you to take a break however you can. Step back, sit down, and breathe. Do invite the simple message of Christmas into your heart, let it dwell there, and let its comfort and love bring you peace even if you have to work hard throughout December 25 and beyond.

If you’re working this week and next – thank you for your labors! You are in my prayers and, no doubt, you are in the hearts of those whom you serve.

Joy and peace,


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