Maureen Pratt Author PicIf you have a chronic illness or live with serious pain, you know that sometimes, you “miss” a day or two in the week. It’s too hard to get out of bed. You are going through medical tests, and the outside world seems to disappear into the technicality of prep and procedure. You’re brain-fogged, and even putting together the coffee pot seems impossible.

You might miss church on Sunday. Prayer group on Wednesday. Choir rehearsal on Thursday. Yes, you might even miss TLC Tuesday!

What, now?

Today’s suggestion:  You can still benefit from TLC (or any other day you miss).  No need to skip it just because you’ve missed it. Compensate for that “miss” by a “make-up” on a day when you are feeling better, or are better able.  So, if today isn’t Tuesday, no worries! Do something nice for yourself or someone else, anyway.

We all need a little TLC. Why not Tuesday (or another day?)

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