Image courtesy of Arvind Balaraman/

Advent Day 10: What about you?

Rise early. Hurry up. Juggle.  Add one, two, three more things to your list. Retire late.

Repeat tomorrow. And tomorrow. And tomorrow.

Still two weeks away from Christmas, and you might already be feeling as if you cannot wait until this season is over. But, wait you must.

How are you going to make it through, especially if you have health challenges that are also stirred up by all the extra activity, festivity, and, yes, stress these days?

For all the things we wish to do for others these days before Christmas, we are only, wonderfully, human. And, far from inviting us to pack each moment with frantic errands and outreach, this Advent time asks us to slow down, take time to think, pray, rest in God’s presence.

Today and going forward, include the question, “What about me?” on your to-do list. Remind yourself to take a few precious moments to pause and reflect in quiet. Breathe deeply in the season, and ask God to abide with you and deepen your faith and peace.

Blessings for the day,


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