Taking advantage of Fred Thompson’s exit from the race and Mike Huckabee’s continuing struggle to get traction outside his evangelical base, the folks over at Evangelicals for Mitt are asking born again Fred Heads and Huck-a-Fans to reconsider the former governor from Massachusetts: Governor Romney balanced a budget, managed a crisis in one of he…

Speaking at a press conference after being declared winner of today’s Republican caucuses in Nevada, Romney was asked whether his victory was due to the large share of Mormons who turned out. Romney pointed out that his margin of victory is big enough that he would have won without a single Mormon vote. He also…

Tonight’s exit polls out of Michigan, where Mitt Romney has been projected to be the easy victor, show that he won evangelical voters in a bare plurality, his first victory among that group in this cycle. A Michigan native son, Romney took 32-percent of evangelical votes, compared to 31-percent for Mike Huckabee and 22-percent for…

Mitt Romney announced a big Michigan Christian Right endorsement today: Marlene Elwell. Not exactly a household name, Elwell was a key advisor to the 1990s-era Christian Coalition and helped engineer Pat Robertson’s strong finish in 1988’s Iowa presidential caucuses. More recently, Elwell directed the Americans of Faith coalition for John McCain’s presidential campaign. She left…

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