The Chicago Tribune has a profile today of Samuel Rodriguez, president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, calling him one of a “new generation of evangelical kingmakers on the political scene.”: Fearing the loss of a constituency that helped push Bush to re-election, Republican candidates are turning to Rodriguez for help. A dynamic, fast-talking…

Another member of the Christian Right elite for Mitt Romney. From the campaign’s press release announcing the endorsement of former Christian Coalition executive director Randy Tate: “In his four years as Governor of Massachusetts, I was impressed by Mitt Romney’s willingness to take and defend conservative positions on pro-family and pro-growth issues. As President, I…

Just when McCain has begun tasting the fruits of his efforts to repair relations with religious conservatives, The Wall Street Journal has him dissing Sam Alito. He’s the Supreme Court justice that wrote James Dobson a thank you note after his 2006 confirmation: Then there is the issue of judicial nominations, a top priority with…

So there’s a public rift between the Romney campaign and Focus on the Family Action over a comment in Focus’s recent video voter guide that the Mormon Mitt Romney has acknowledged he’s not a Christian, right? Actually, according to God-o-Meter’s reporting, that’s wrong. Sure, Romney spokesman Eric Fehrnstrom told TIME’s Swampland on Saturday that “The…

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