It’s become my husband Rob’s annual tradition to get up early one morning when we’re out on Cape Cod in late summer, get on his bike, and pedal to the Atlantic to watch the sun rise.  The photos he captured this year are particularly breathtaking.  The sun’s rays looked positively unfurled, spiky and shiny and…

There are not many pleasures simpler than simple cloud-gazing. And thankfully, there are a few more divine weeks left of weather warm enough to stretch out, look up, and let your imagination create giants and crocodiles and angels galore. To do a little virtual gazing, check out a gallery on Beliefnet of photos my members of…

Later today, I’m driving out to outer Cape Cod for vacation, but first I have a stop to make–in Hyannis.  The fact that just as I’m arriving, the funeral procession carrying Senator Ted Kennedy’s body is leaving is a coincidence.  But I feel like the stop elevates my trip, in that through a banal errand,…

Do you know Maggie Mason?  I don’t–at least not personally–but I love, luff, lurve her blog.  The guiding principle for her writing on design, shopping, marriage, parenthood, etc is the concept of “Mighty Life,” and more specifically her “Mighty Life List” of things that she wants to do before she goes. What I love about…

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