Louis L’Amour once said, “No school, no matter how excellent, can give you education. What you receive is like the outlines in a child’s coloring book. You must fill in the colors yourself.”  What an apt Earth Day thought: the colors of the world are there for us to fill in.  Awareness, education, and celebration…

Happy Earth Day/Week/Month/Lifetime! We have a new feature on the site that we’re psyched about: 10 Steps to Making Your Diet Greener–from our partner Intent.com. And nope, kale, collards, and food coloring are not involved. But rather how to minimize your food footprint, taking a little pressure off our over-burdened planet. Check it here: http://www.beliefnet.com/Holistic-Living/Environment/Steps-to-a-Greener-Diet.aspx…

I really got some Earth Day inspiration from this video on “eco-equity,” a call to transform the “pollution-based economy” of the last century into a “sustainable, green, and clean” economy that creates jobs–particularly in urban areas where low-income people want to work, they want to breathe, and they don’t want to have to trade in…

What makes you choose one particular brand of cosmetics over another?  Price?  Scent?  Ability to soften hair and clear skin?  Similarity to what your mother used?  There are so many reasons–and a growing one is, “Will not kill me.” It’s a fine line between feeling paranoid that products are out to get you and getting…

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