Yesterday’s big political news gave new meaning to “March Madness,” between the protests, the cable-news griping, and the ultimate vote that passed the health care reform bill that has occupied the energy of President Obama and many before him, all the way back to Theodore Roosevelt. 

We don’t really do “political” here on Fresh Living, but this debate has captured the nation’s attention so strongly, I thought it would be helpful to share some of what Beliefnet’s readers have to say about it.  Read below, and add your own thoughts!

“I recall reading somewhere that the majority of Americans were against
the proposed war with Britain in 1776.  Should we be glad the political
leaders of the day did not let the polls sway them from they knew had to
be done?” —UnworthyOne

“All the important social legislation in the past garnered at least a few
Republican votes.  But not so this one, because it is a bad bill and an
unpopular one.” —ArmWar

“No matter who wins, the side of fear won.  One side hypes up the fear of
some massive bureaucratic government agency imposing their will on your
health, the other side hypes the fear of if you don’t let this
massive government bureaucracy impose their will, you will be left on
the streets to die from a common cold.” —nnsecu

“This isn’t socialism. Far from it. Too far from it. Socialized medicine
has served the rest of the modern world well.” —Habala?!

Here are some of the discussion threads these reader quotes came from:

Discuss “The Vote”

Health Care: Are You Mad or Elated?

Will the Politics of Hope or Fear Triumph?

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