…”if you feel irritation or depression or despair, recognize their presence and practice this mantra; “Dear one, I am here for you.” you should talk to your depression or your anger just as you would to a child. you embrace it tenderly with the energy of mindfulness and say, “Dear one, I know you are…

I mostly associate the term “dancing bears” with the Grateful Dead, but here’s the real frigginadorable deal…. Oxytocin surge, do your brain-relaxing thing! (This is from the ever-reliable Cuteoverload.com–the original photo is by Oliver Klink–the original post on Nat Geo is here.) Like what you see? Click here to subscribe and get Fresh Living in…

I’m in love with this line from Heidi Swanson’s delicious 101 Cookbooks blog post about her creative process: “I’ve come to believe you can’t really rush inspiration, it comes on its own schedule, emerging and intersecting my life when it sees fit. I just try to keep my eyes open.” Need more morning inspiration?  Read…

This is a question we’ve explored in some depth on Beliefnet (see below for links), and today The New York Times has an excellent article on a new focus on the issue by medical professionals. The piece begins with an elderly patient with early signs of dementia.  When the doctor pulled the patient’s son aside…

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