Just the word “Paris” conjures images of bustling cafes, intimate bistros, sparkling brasseries, and pastry.  Oh, Parisian pastry.  Stop me before I write a sonnet to thee.  Now that I’ve (sort of) gotten over my jet lag after my Parisian adventure, I’ve realized I can’t keep the foodie beauty just for myself.  So in the…

I had a blast reading the wonderful Stacie Stukin’s Fresh Living guest posts when I returned from my vacation (to Paris….aah, Pa-ree! But more on that later.).  A thousand namastes to her for carrying my Fresh torch with such spark! Her posts on making your own cloth napkins and growing a tea garden and more…

Last weekend I cooked. I’m more of an “assembler,” generally–salads; bowls of rice, beans, seweed; pasta with side of broccoli. But in my effort to become more of a food alchemist, I picked up my copy of the amazing Heidi Swanson’s “Super Natural Cooking,” and turned to the Ultimate Veggie Burger recipe. It’s not vegan,…

We all know there is no such thing as a safe tan. The National Institutes of Health has placed ultraviolet radiation, both from the sun and from tanning machines, on its list of known carcinogens. We also know the incidence of skin cancer continues to climb. In 2008 alone, more than 1 million new cases were…

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