With Portuguese Water dog Bo instated in his new White House home, no doubt we can all brace for a fresh doggy-breath scented gust of puppy fever. This happily coincides with the resurgence of “doga,” or dog yoga, a phenom covered in a recent NYT article. Here’s how they describe it: “Doga combines massage and meditation with…

There are some fascinating health developments to report on this week.  Here are 3 to think about: Are electronic health records going too far, too fast? There are a proliferation of new tools designed to empower patients and give them–and their doctors–easy access to all of their medical records in one place.  iChart is a…

This is a lovely quote about having compassion for people most in need of it: “What we do from joy expresses love; what we do from fear calls for love.” — Alan Cohen It’s so easy to forget that most of the crappy things humans do are from fear, and as such, are actually calls…

We’ve all heard the phrase, attributed to peace activist Anne Herbert, “Practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty.”  So here’s a question: Have you done any lately?  Seen any?  I suspect that among you are many perpetrators of such acts, we’d love to gather them to show how kindness is the rule,…

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