If you haven’t read it already, check out Kathryn Soper’s gorgeous post about Mormon girls and sexuality over at Patheos.com. It brought back memories for me of being in the Young Women presidency and trying to walk that line between helping girls have a positive view of sexuality and their bodies, but also teaching them…

Remember that vengeful and smite-y G from Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, and just about every other book we’re explored in the Twible so far? I think he’s becoming an old softy. Sure, G still practices tough love, as we’ve seen with the exile. (Uh, a heads up about next week: Chronicles isn’t going to end on…

Over at Patheos today, WJK author Elaine Heath has posted a persuasive essay on the troubling messages that Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight novels send to girls and women. Issues Heath raises in her 2011 book The Gospel According to Twilight are: Edward’s controlling and manipulative behavior Rosalie’s rape at the hands of a fiancee who was…

Oooooklahoma! Where the wind comes sweepin’ down the plains . . . and Muslims need to check their religious beliefs at the state border. This week there is a firestorm of debate over whether Oklahoma voters should have been able to reject the “threat” of sharia (also “shariah”) law in a state referendum earlier this…

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