Flirting with Faith

“What is the situation with regard to cheating on this campus,” I asked some of my undergraduate students in class this morning.  I was trying to decide how to handle a makeup test and find that students are surprisingly willing to give genuine answers to hard questions if you just ask. The first response was…

“Have I told you yet that I’m not sure if I’m a Christian?” writes Andrea in the comments on my post about my first Lent. “I vacillate and ponder and struggle every day with my spirituality.” Sharing that she is a convert to Catholicism who attends mass regularly she continues, “I change my beliefs like…

Lent is one of those Christian traditions that everyone seems to know about, Christian or not. I remember encountering Lent in my school days through the kids who’d show up with dirt on their heads complaining that they couldn’t eat chocolate or drink soda until Easter. Like so many Christian traditions, it made little sense…

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Joan Ball and I’m the newest blogger on the Christianity channel at Beliefnet. As I sit here on my living room couch considering the best way to kick off this new adventure, a single question is running in a repetitive loop in my head, haunting me to…

It’s official. My humble little blog has captured the attention of the kind folks at and they’ve asked if I would like to join their team of daily bloggers. So, beginning Sunday, March 1, Flirting with Faith will be living at Beliefnet under this snazzy new banner (thank you Bnet designers – it is…

Not sure why, but starting 2009 with a repost from Sept 13, 2008 just felt like the right thing to do on this snowy day in New York.  Happy New Year to all… I don’t think I am remotely cool enough to roll with some of the new Christians. I’m forty-two and I sometimes watch…

Tonight is Christmas Eve and I find myself facing the first Christmas in recent memory, maybe ever, that I wish was over before it began. I’m not bah humbug, nor am I falling apart sad. I am just not feeling it. Not interested. Indifferent. Part of it has to do with the loss of both…

I’ve been trying to write a follow-up blog post about my trip to The Great Emergence event in Memphis since I returned to New York last week.  This should have been a no-brainer, really.  The event was well produced in a stunningly beautiful Episcopal cathedral.  Author and keynote speaker Phyllis Tickle delivered her thought-provoking thesis…

My sister in law, a long time and devout Christian believer who I used to (not so lovingly) refer to as “The Baptinista” in my atheist days, sent me a link this morning. She knows I am here in Memphis at The Great Emergence event and that I am unsure why. She does not know…

I leave tomorrow morning for The Great Emergence, a two day event in Memphis hosted by Phyllis Tickle and organized by Tony Jones and Doug Pagitt.  The release of Mrs. Tickle’s book of the same name is the premise for the event, but the schedule is jam-packed with speakers, breakout sessions and several opportunties to…

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