Flirting with Faith

One of the things that I love most about this blog is wide variety of people from different faith and life perspectives it tends to attract. Christians (Catholic and Protestant), Jews, Buddhists, atheists, agnostics and the deconverted swing by to share their thoughts on faith and life. Some are single, others married, some heterosexual and…

In Part 1 I’m learning that I am a day late and a dollar short when it comes to accepting (and, by association sharing) God’s love. I’m chewing on 1 Corinthians 13…particularly 1 Corinthians 13:4 and beyond…to get a taste of what it is that I am missing… Love is patient, love is kind, it does not…

I go to a Benedictine Monastery for a 24-hour silent retreat with the express purpose of listening. No agenda. No ‘what’s my purpose?’ or ‘what’s my next step?’ This was not my first visit to Holy Cross, but it was the first time that I chose take the lead of the StoryCorps program by trying…

I can’t help but love an organization whose stated mission is to “honor and celebrate one another’s lives through listening.” StoryCorps is a not-for-profit that sets up listening booths all over the country (maybe the world now) and helps people to record stories and conversations about their lives. Some are joyous, others tragic, all are real…

My son Ian turns 11 on March 24. He has been telling me since March 1, when we had a small blizzard here in New York, that March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb. Looking out my window at the sun glistening off of the puddles left by yesterday’s rain, I’m…

I was listening to a podcast yesterday. An interesting discussion about faith and the arts hosted by the International Arts Movement in New York. While the content of the interview was fascinating, it was a question from the audience that caught my attention. It also stumped the speaker, who needed to take a moment to…

Last week I christened this blog and briefly introduced myself with a post titled, “Who Do I Think I Am?” This morning I woke with another question on my mind that was prompted by a book I recently read called From Eternity to Here by Frank Viola. Frank, I have come to learn, is an…

I had my hair done last night. One step closer to returning my blonde hair to its original state after misguided attempt to go brown – chocolate brown – left me looking like I was wearing a bad wig. My long-time hairdresser and friend, Christine, had warned me. “You’re not gonna like this,” she told…

Did you know that Monday, March 8 is International Women’s Day?  I didn’t, until I received the following email notification from the World Association for Christian Communication (WACC), an organization I follow that promotes communication as a means for social change.  Here is the note from WACC.     International Women’s Day is a day…

Adele shared the following anecdote in response to my last post, Cheating is Not Okay: Or is It? Having someone else write your paper does you no good. If the teacher would be unreasonable and not offer an extension, then for me it is better to take and F and not cheat. By cheating we…

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