You are not trying to be any one else, you are living your life as an expression of love for who and what you were put on the planet to do. This breath represents the fullness of all that you are, every cell of your being alive and awake to who and what makes your…

Eternal presence. Eternal Joy. Eternal Happiness. Eternal Peace. The gifts of love laid bare. During this day, remember Love given and experienced endlessly with each moment released works miracles as the act of love releases the past unhinging the future. Ephesians 1:4 For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to…

Get out there and express yourself. Today is the day to DO IT! There is no ‘I’m not ready.’ You have always wanted to take a Dance class. Sign Up. You have always longed to do something. Do it. Experience the satisfaction of acting on your wish. Take a chance today to enjoy yourself. Whatever…

Promise me that today you will do what you are afraid to do. That you will say what is in your heart to say. That you will stand with yourself as you rise into the true glory of all you are and all that you came here to do. Never more and never before has…

Prayer is the medium of miracles. You have to ask through prayer for your heart to be lightened for your traumas to be removed and for your circumstances to shift for GOD to use you in service. Remember this great big old piece of advice, which never fails to open the heart to new possibility.  “You don’t…

The deepest form of Community is to join with a Brother in a purpose higher than your own. Let today be a reminder there is much to be done and ‘aint no stopping us now’ as we bust out the Love, open our hearts and turn up the Loving action volume to an eleven. Martin…

We’ve been a society running from our demons, not wanting to face them, because we’ve got no experience with the how. In the past we’ve been able to explore, conquer, quest, discover new worlds, new lands. With the earth being covered and our population stretching resources. There is nowhere to hide. It’s time to stand…

Take today to release any attachment to grandiosity, to enjoy the way we are all connected.  Remember the story of the Colors. Once upon a time the Colors of the world started to quarrel: all claimed that they were the best, the most important, the most useful, the favorite. GREEN said: “Clearly I am the most…

The happiness quotient in our life is directly dependent on the promises and commitments we make and break to ourselves. Don’t be fooled that how you do one thing isn’t how you do everything. Making a commitment and sticking to it is the ultimate exercise in loving yourself. In unlearning what you have learned as…

It isn’t just a Taylor Swift POP song.  Today is the day to shake it off, whatever has happened that might not be to your liking it is time to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start all over again. A lesson and a way of life.  In achieving a working reset button where you…

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