The soul knows where it belongs. Not some of the time. All of the time. When you strip everything away and get bare this fact sings. It doesn’t matter what path you choose, what form the exploration, just that you remove any blocks and keep yourself open.  Your life to date, the pain and wounds,…

Honor yourself by demonstrating love in action.  Be gracious. Be Kind. Be compassion. Be a bright and brilliant light so others will know the glow of truth. Grow up.  Allow everything to open up in the place of connection where walls and separation crumbles and falls away surrendering to the giving and receiving of  love in its purest form.  “Free…

Give birth to the expression of your authentic self today.  Use the void between each breath to expand the truth of your unique journey, divinely guided in the most perfect fashion, surrounded by support for all the tears and laughter, expanding friendships, and connections that will feed your soul.  Ignite your ancestral heritage, that vibration…

I saw a sign for mind freak Criss Angel’s Believe show in Las Vegas.  Right in front of me – BELIEVE highlights the word play and hidden meaning amplifying the truth that sits in front of us waiting, the LIE is hidden in BELIEVE, and in thinking about it for just a second, there is…

Believe it. Set your own path. Follow your intuition. Step out of your comfort zone and recalibrate your system. My first mentor taught me not to try to be better than my competitors but to constantly try to be better than my last effort. Within this endless improvement project of life in constant motion in…

1)  SEEK TO BE STILL Let everything reveal itself exactly as it is exercising your inner musculature of not doing and just be. Seek for those quiet moments of grace in the expulsion of your breath. Perfect stillness comes in the deepening connection to your truest self.  It exists in the chaos of living. Those…

1)  DARE TO BE REMARKABLE Infuse your action with the confidence of your being, remembering who you are. A remarkable glorious one of a kind creation. You are a beautiful essential expression of life filled with joy and inspiration. It is time to own it. The human condition is uncommonly extraordinary and there is nothing…

Letting go of the need to know of a future that can never be set in stone, that only exists in the mind frees the moment of now and gives everything up for the grand beingness of spirit. Experiencing the timelessness of the truth. Forever held. Eternal. No connection lost in the birthless and deathless…

Allow for the grand gesture to bring forward the seedlings long ago left unopened and untouched in that velvet bag of forgetfulness. Deliver that which opens the flood gates for all to come into the air, grounding into the earth.  Allow the little things to experience the elements, enabling growth and the safety of roots…

It isn’t the first line of the book of Genesis for nothing. Shine a light in the darkness. Let’s be remembered for our ability to change with grace to transform our present turmoils into peace on earth. Let’s get really clear, what we do matters. As Martin Luther King, Jr. said “Living a life of meaning is…

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