When my friend and I are having a particularly hard time we call the other and start singing a lyric from Carrie Underwood’s song and we smile and laugh and we feel better. Jesus take the Wheel is the only thing to do when there is nothing else to do. Give it over. Make a…

You are not trying to be any one else, you are living your life as an expression of love for who and what you were put on the planet to do. This breath represents the fullness of all that you are, every cell of your being alive and awake to who and what makes your…

Eternal presence. Eternal Joy. Eternal Happiness. Eternal Peace. The gifts of love laid bare. During this day, remember Love given and experienced endlessly with each moment released works miracles as the act of love releases the past unhinging the future. Ephesians 1:4 For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to…

Vision is a way of surrendering to the truth with love in a practice of giving of the heart. Written into the document that binds us as Americans, citizens of a United States, are the words… “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their…

It’s amazing how it’s always all there. So many cues, clues and symbols. Opening doors into new worlds just waiting. Waiting for the decoding and the processing and the recognition. Sitting right in front of you. With the popularity of Dan Brown novels and all the scholars and resources and the Internet you would think…

News flash. Love is everywhere. In everyone. And is the natural state of being. As the Troubadours wrote “perfect love is born from what the eyes have made welcome to the heart. For as all true loves know, love is perfect kindness which is born, there is no doubt, from the heart and the eyes.”…

Where you anticipated grief, you find a happy lightheartedness instead; where you thought something was asked of you, you find a gift bestowed. — ACIM On the other side of what you fear is something wholly unexpected. In trusting yourself you allow the world to deliver its gifts. Allow yourself the grace in each moment…

Get out there and express yourself. Today is the day to DO IT! There is no ‘I’m not ready.’ You have always wanted to take a Dance class. Sign Up. You have always longed to do something. Do it. Experience the satisfaction of acting on your wish. Take a chance today to enjoy yourself. Whatever…

The world is a beautiful place and the people in it are a most fantastic bunch. Take today to affirm what is lovely and amazing that sits right before your eyes, every day. Appreciate the beauty in small things and big things and ordinary things. Practice this affirmation of grace today and every day. Offer…

You can reverse everything in every way. It is a shift in perception. A way for a change that will bring peace to your inner world. In shifting your perspective, to the opposite positive track, you have the opportunity to enjoy each experience remembering everything is an experience to learn from. We have this saying…

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