It isn’t the first line of the book of Genesis for nothing. Shine a light in the darkness. Let’s be remembered for our ability to change with grace to transform our present turmoils into peace on earth. Let’s get really clear, what we do matters. As Martin Luther King, Jr. said “Living a life of meaning is…

The labor pains have begun.  The process of living and breathing into the other space of Love where the soul takes flight is happening now whether you want it to or not. The glow of transcendence will not have been extinguished through interpretations, perceptions, judgments or tyranny but will be born from the truth of…

At no time in the history of humanity has it been more important to remember the truth.  Our thoughts create our reality and if we are not thinking with Love we are not living the truth. We can’t change the circumstances that happen but we can stand in the truth and be loving in each…

The passing of Stephen Covey reminded me of one of the powerful stories he shared in his ground breaking work 7 Habits of Highly Effective People that changed my life when I read it. When traveling in a subway he witnesses a Father get on board with his two sons, the sons are running all…

A revolution takes place in the heart. It begins by hearing “Enough!” Enough of the thinking that led me astray. Enough of the actions that keep me in my pattern. Enough of the behavior that blocks me from accepting what is being offered in every moment. It begins by opening up and being willing to see…

“It is holy or unholy depending on how we perceive it and the purpose that the mind ascribes to it.” Letting go of the need to know of a future that can never be set in stone, that only exists in the mind frees the moment of now and gives everything up for the grand…

Divine Love isn’t just for breakfast time. It’s for all time. Enjoy a little morning reading from Love Land. I switched to Seattle’s Best coffee (#3) this morning. Makes me wonder what level 5 is like. Click to listen to audio… Melanie Lutz’s Love Land – Enrich Each Moment audio There is a garden growing…

Living with no regrets is stepping past what is in your field of vision into the faith of what you can’t see. It is having an intuition and following it. It is trying and succeeding and failing and having an experience of whether something works for you. It is not thinking about life it is…

I surrender now and forever in this moment to the thoughts of God. In this breathe to all that is. Humbled. Knowing I have to do nothing and I get to be present to this great wonder of the divine peace within. Have a Beautiful Day!

God bless each moment. God bless my streets. God bless my family. God bless everyone. Seriously. God bless everyone. “How was your year?” I asked expecting the sigh and heaviness so many people have expressed about 2011. The answer that came back held all the love that one person could express for the past. “I…

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