Flight of the Soul

The happiness quotient in our life is directly dependent on the promises and commitments we make and break to ourselves. Don’t be fooled that how you do one thing isn’t how you do everything. Making a commitment and sticking to it is the ultimate exercise in loving yourself, in unlearning what you have learned as…

Flight of the Soul’s friend Kate Neligan recently interviewed AnnaSophia Robb, here’s what she discovered. AnnaSophia Robb on Role Models, Positive Character Traits & Inspiring Movies AnnaSophia Robb is a well-known actress with over twenty film and TV credits including Soul Surfer, Bridge To Terabithia, The Way Way Back and “The Carrie Diaries.” In our…

Step into the destiny of this moment.  No matter what you think is stopping you, forget it and jump in, take that next step.  Remember you begin again with each breath where everything is possible and new worlds await.  It is only important that you take the step forward. In developing this practice your internal…

Deep listening is the most direct route to connecting to your still small voice, to those whispers of spirit. You know. You know when you listen to that voice, that feeling,and you know when you don’t. It is a practice you can strengthen. The universal symphony is always broadcasting the most divinely inspired message guiding…

Every breath represents the beginning of a new cycle. An opportunity to begin again. In each new breath, we can make a commitment to being Loving, creating a reset point in your operating system. Opening the gateways to new worlds of possibility never before experienced. “Courage is more exhilarating than fear and in the long…

Today is the day to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start again.  A lesson and a way of life.  In achieving this inner reset button where you have a mechanism of restoring your connection to your divine source that is in you but not of you, you take the largest step toward your…

A dear comedy writer friend of mine shared a tiny detail of his process in handling the massive rejection and ongoing notes and the general ‘not getting it’ that takes place with his work. He made a decision long ago that when someone did say something nice he would take it at face value imagining…

You’ve got to give a little, take a little, and let your poor heart break a little. That’s the story of, that’s the glory of love. That’s the story of, that’s the glory of love.  Love works in so many powerful ways through the doorway of an open heart.  Today is a day to remember the…

Been thinking a lot about personal responsibility, as the news trumpets on, and life marches forward and as change is constant, and the ways we could complain endless.  Today is Day 1 of the #Next 100 Mel’s Love Land Challenge to take a stance in your life and quite simply, look at the world with…

Expressing the work of the soul in openness and joy and so much love TS Eliot’s Four Quartets spoke of the release into what lies beneath and beyond… I said to my soul, be still, and wait without hope For hope would be hope for the wrong thing; wait without love, For love would be…

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