A revolution takes place in the heart. It begins by hearing “Enough!” Enough of the thinking that led me astray. Enough of the actions that keep me in my pattern. Enough of the behavior that blocks me from accepting what is being offered in every moment. It begins by opening up and being willing to see…

It is so strange to be mourning so many things as spring moves into summer. It isn’t just a time where the City of Los Angeles experienced the first fatal shooting of one of its bus drivers, Alan Thomas, we lost Barry Gibb and Donna Summer and have heard the story of the inhuman massacre…

“Telling the truth when we feel vulnerable is one of the hardest things to do. We might fear rejection, abandonment, disapproval, disappointment, rage, hurt, or just the raw exposure that’s an unavoidable part of the process. Yet almost every time we’re willing to tell a hard truth, we grow and deepen in presence, no matter…

Everyone I meet changes me. All that surrounds me is nature’s elegance. Love offers up endless opportunity to expand exponentially. Any thought in my head that isn’t loving is not true. My friends know who I am and show up when I need them. Offering all of myself to any effort is the greatest gift…

“It is holy or unholy depending on how we perceive it and the purpose that the mind ascribes to it.” Letting go of the need to know of a future that can never be set in stone, that only exists in the mind frees the moment of now and gives everything up for the grand…

Sometimes we need to get out of our current environment and see the world with new eyes. A few years ago a beautiful friend of mine filled up a suitcase with medical supplies, food and everything she could stuff into a carry on and headed to Africa to distribute what she could to those in…

Mystic Journey Compress each moment is a gift Melanie Lutz I am proud to join with Beliefnet.com in providing insights, hope, possibility, openings and most importantly a collective spirit of community in which we can transcend that which is beyond our sight having faith in everything necessary to achieve personal transformation, which person by person,…

Express your self. Express the note you are here to play. If you are not playing it. No one will hear it and the universe will be that much dimmer with the absence of your light. Today’s a new day. Bringing with it new possibility to be free, to be inspired, to be authentic and…

I recenter in my body I realign with my breathing I love myself in each rise and fall of my chest Connecting with the field of limitless possibility I stay open to the surprise of the moment In alignment with my authentic self Free from fear and ego And the tyranny of my thinking Clearing…

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