Take today to release any attachment to grandiosity, to enjoy the way we are all connected.  Remember the story of the Colors. Once upon a time the Colors of the world started to quarrel: all claimed that they were the best, the most important, the most useful, the favorite. GREEN said: “Clearly I am the most…

Take a stand in your life and assume a position of strength and love in every encounter. When you assume a position in your heart standing for the truth, no matter how terrifying, it enables all parties involved in the encounter and drama to be free. In the light of this kind of truth you…

It isn’t just a Taylor Swift POP song.  Today is the day to shake it off, whatever has happened that might not be to your liking it is time to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start all over again. A lesson and a way of life.  In achieving a working reset button where you…

It doesn’t take 40 days wandering around the desert to arrive at a conclusion.  Save yourself the time and the discomfort by opening your heart right now to all the love that is available in this present moment. Anything that is amazing can happen over a steak dinner, a walk in the park, a step…

A revolution takes place in the heart. It begins by saying enough. Enough of the behavior that keeps me stuck dying of indecision on the shore.  There are so many ways that we hold ourselves back from the truest expression of love and joy flowing into and through our lives. Ask yourself to what end…

No one knows the full story. No one is in charge of how you need to feel. No one is holding you prisoner.  Get out of your own way and listen to your heart. Be grateful for the gifts you have been given and all the opportunities that come your way as you celebrate your…

Let me perceive no differences let that be the end of any story.   Let today be the end of any story that no longer serves.  Let it go doesn’t just need to be a song that every three year old in the world sings.  Be someone today who releases judgment who perceives no differences.  Separation is something…

What story are you telling yourself right now? If it is something less than a grand magnificent story about how amazing you are and that your needs are important. It is time to change it. I will remember there is no good or bad, there are only opportunities to be more Loving than was previously…

Get out there and shine baby shine.  No sense hiding your light, or failing to step into the grace, power and beauty of who you are, exactly as you are. “From where I’m standing the sun is shining all over the place.” These magical words, not just the opening to the most wonderful musical scene…

“Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love.  All expressions of Love are maximal.” Today is an easy one. Let love flow brilliantly establishing a frequency to surrender removing any blocks to the awareness of love’s fullest presence. Let what naturally wants to be expressed have its day in the sun.  ” It’s just another ordinary…

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