Bare Witness to the Beauty Surrounding You.

Keep your eyes attune to the whispers on the wind checking out what’s around the bend.  Knowing new adventures await.

Bare witness to the truth.

Attempt today to overcome whatever obstacles seem to come to disturb your peace.  Awake from your sleep of fear.  Stretch your vision beyond what you can see with your eyes.  Open up to new possibility.  Let forgiveness come to you more quickly with ease surrounding you in complete joy and ease. Do not try to hold it off another day, another minute or another instant. Let love flow meeting your deepest needs with Love.

Love never ceases. Love brings peace of mind and a certainty of purpose. Move toward that sacred feeling of warmth in the embrace of the truth, keep walking, keep moving, keep listening.  Move toward the light of Love as you move freely into your own inner peace.

In the light of this kind of truth you bare witness to the magnificence of possibility that is unhinged of the past opening up the world to untold possibility where we are celebrating the power that lives within each of us to rise up. It is time to take a stand for the person who needs it most. Yourself.

Demand a little more of yourself today than yesterday. Remember who you are. Where you’ve been good you are going to need to be great and where you’ve been unconscious you are going to wake up and take a stand for magnificence. A rising tide raises all ships is not just a metaphor, it is a deep psychological pattern.  Rise today.

The one thing you can be sure of… the person standing in front of you, driving next to you, working down the hall has experienced, or is experiencing as much trauma as you. Be kind. Be a light so others, our children, our neighbors, our communities, here and across the globe, can rise and shine. Every day. Fully nourished and safe from suffering.

May you feel connected, comforted and full of peace

Today. Now. Always.

May your vision expand in ever increasing and delightfully unexpected ways.

With Infinite Love and Gratitude

bare witness to the truth

Take Mel’s Love Land Pledge

For the #Next100 Days I am going to consider the possibility there is another way….

I won’t stay asleep, I will awaken to the truth.

I will take flight into the possibility of the present moment.

I will see the truth shining through each heart I meet.

I will follow my still small voice in owning what I know

I will let love lead the way.

I will savor the fruits of my labor.

I won’t stay stuck in my story, I will quite simple love the adventure.

I won’t shy away from what needs to be done.  I will impact every situation with love.

I won’t listen to sounds of discontent.  I will harmonize in my happiest self.

I won’t test anyone or anything trying to prove a point.  I will have acceptance and forgiveness for who I am, right now.

I won’t hide in the shadows. I will ignite my light!

I won’t shy away from commitment, I will practice showing up for myself

I won’t focus on the negative, I will accentuate the positive

I won’t worry about what might happen, I will celebrate what does

I will have a miracle.

I won’t talk about war, I will feel peace.

I won’t talk about what isn’t working. I will experience what is.

I won’t complain about what people don’t do. I will appreciate what they do.

Cura Et Labore “with care and work”

I am going to allow myself to be uplifted.

And be willing to see change. In a new light.

In what’s remembered.

With Love


For more information check out all systems love

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