Enjoy the fullness of complete imaginal possibility.  Celebrate all the wonders spread before you. Fly like an eagle above the fray of your life giving yourself a google earth view. Honor the teachers who demonstrate the beauty of the butterfly and showcase the possibility of flight.  In each moment lives infinite possibility unhinged of the past opening up the world we are celebrating the power that lives within each of us to rise up.

A world of possibilities is open to you. Because you have grown more loving towards yourself, more self-contained, you can work easily with others. Because you are relaxed and at ease, you can recognize new beginnings and opportunities as they present themselves, sometimes even before others can see them. Because you are in tune with your own nature, you understand that existence is providing you with exactly what you need. Enjoy all of it. Enjoy today. Enjoy yourself.

Allow me to remember the principles of freedom and inspiration laid forth and rise into faith and openness in my power beyond measure.

May you feel connected, comforted and full of peace

Today. Now. Always.

May you fly free

Allowing the landscape to illuminate

in brilliant bursts of light

eternal and endless possibility to be you

With Infinite Love and Gratitude

a world of possibility opens before you loveland

Take Mel’s Love Land Pledge

For the #Next100 Days I am going to consider the possibility there is another way….

I will take flight into the possibility of the present moment.

I will see the truth shining through each heart I meet.

I will follow my still small voice in owning what I know

I will let love lead the way.

I will savor the fruits of my labor.

I won’t stay stuck in my story, I will quite simple love the adventure.

I won’t shy away from what needs to be done.  I will impact every situation with love.

I won’t listen to sounds of discontent.  I will harmonize in my happiest self.

I won’t test anyone or anything trying to prove a point.  I will have acceptance and forgiveness for who I am, right now.

I won’t hide in the shadows. I will ignite my light!

I won’t shy away from commitment, I will practice showing up for myself

I won’t focus on the negative, I will accentuate the positive

I won’t worry about what might happen, I will celebrate what does

I will have a miracle.

I won’t talk about war, I will feel peace.

I won’t talk about what isn’t working. I will experience what is.

I won’t complain about what people don’t do. I will appreciate what they do.

Cura Et Labore “with care and work”

I am going to allow myself to be uplifted.

And be willing to see change. In a new light.

In what’s remembered.

With Love


For more information check out www.melanielutz.com all systems love

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