Fellowship of Saints and Sinners

I wasn’t sure, so I checked. Apparently, Valentine (or “Valentinus”) was a third-century saint who was imprisoned and eventually martyred for performing weddings for soldiers who were forbidden to marry and for ministering to Christians who were being persecuted under the Roman Empire.  He was also said to have healed the daughter of his jailer,…

With Pope Benedict’s announcement of his resignation still ringing in the ears- apparently even the cupola on St. Peter’s Basilica was struck with lightening just hours after!- today we embark on forty days of Lent. The timing of Benedict’s announcement is striking: isn’t resignation– from those things that would keep us from dwelling humbly in…

I’ve missed you here at this intersection between life and God!  Last week’s scramble to meet a self-imposed deadline for Grace Sticks meant a cyber fast of sorts, but I’m grateful to be back. By way of an update to catch us all up, later this month you’ll get some of my musings on human perfection and…

Last week we heard Lloyd Cole live at my favorite, local live music joint, Eddie’s Attic.  Lloyd even let us take a picture afterwards.  (Yes, you can say it: we’re groupies.) This week as I reluctantly peel away from blogging to meet a writing deadline for Grace Sticks- the full manuscript for which is due the…

More Americans than usual will probably be praying this Sunday- this by implication, according to a report this week by CNN, summarized by Religion Today. No, it’s not the National Day of Prayer or another Billy Graham crusade- it’s the Super Bowl, and millions of Americans will tune in to watch the San Francisco 49ers…

We’re back with evangelical author Amy Julia Becker for the second and final installment of our conversation.  Becker was named last fall by Christianity Today as one of a handful of influential women writers whose writings are shaping the church and culture.  (If you missed the first part of our interview, you can catch it…

  Last fall Christianity Today named writer Amy Julia Becker one of “Fifty Women You Should Know.”  Becker has authored four books on faith, family and disability, the latest of which made its debut last week: What Every Woman Needs to Know About Prenatal Testing: Insight from a Mom Who Has Been There is available in ebook form for…

Yesterday I made my first visit to my daughter’s prospective new school.  Founded in 1938 by the formidable Katherine “Kitty” Cathcart Hamm, the embodiment of the best in Southern gentility and herself the mother of a deaf son, the Atlanta Speech School is now one of the Southeast’s  oldest therapeutic educational centers for children with…

I promised you more Scriptural name calling, so this morning we continue with Jesus Epithets: All the Names Jesus Gets Called in Scripture. Today’s feature is for all of you botanists and green thumbs out there.  I, unfortunately, can’t count myself in either category: with only a couple proud exceptions, just about every flower or plant…

It’s official: I’m pregnant, with a book that is. This morning I signed a contract with CASCADE Books, a division of Wipf and Stock Publishers, for the publication of Grace Sticks: The Bumper Sticker Gospel for Restless Souls. Grace Sticks is both light-hearted spiritual memoir and unsystematic theological travel guide for other restless souls seeking…

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