Fellowship of Saints and Sinners

It’s been a while since a musical mental health break, hence this techno interlude from Kaskade.  While the video for “Don’t Stop Dancing” leaves something to be desired, I’m enjoying the lyrics this afternoon- and I must admit that the beat makes for a great get-up when the kids and I need a little extra lift:…

Yesterday in making my rounds as a corporate chaplain, I ran into one man who volunteered that he and his family had recently seen the movie, “The Passion of the Christ,” for the very first time. “How old are your kids?,” I had inquired. All four were under the age of 13,  with the exception of…

Are you doing a program for the Lord or welcoming the presence of the Lord? That was the question put before an audience by a guest speaker at World Vision years ago, at a time when our family was living in Southern California and Dad was by then in charge of at least a couple such “programs”…

The other day I stopped by a centering prayer group for the first time in a very long while.  I wasn’t sure how I would find it, but I knew that centering is something I long for in the midst of life’s many distractions and my ingenious capacity to respond to them. I had wandered…

The following guest post ran yesterday on author Amy Julia Becker’s blog, “Thin Places,” as an installation in her ongoing series, “Perfectly Human.”  The reflections materialized after an afternoon spent teaching my now three-and-a-half-year-old daughter how to jump off a one-foot step.  (By way of an update, Sam these days loves practicing this assignment from her physical…

One of the things I love about blogging is meeting new people. Kurt Johansen, who pastors a church in Dallas, Texas and teaches homiletics, recently wrote to say he had edited a book of two sermons by Karl Barth, and offered to put it in the mail for me. I gladly accepted. My very own autographed…

  Lately, God has been talking to me about what it means to hear God speak. First, there was Stanford anthropologist TM Luhrmann’s article, which begged my initial question in Friday’s post: what does it mean to hear God speak? Then there was Sunday’s sermon by Thomas Daniel- all about how learning to hear God’s voice is,…

Stanford anthropologist TM Luhrmann, whose latest book is When God Talks Back, has been studying evangelicals and their approach to prayer.  Luhrmann recently described in an article for The Daily Beast how that field work experience in at least one sense signified a conversion: Luhrmann did not walk a way having become an evangelical- or a Christian,…

Apparently, within hours of its airing, Saturday Night Live’s recent send-up of American film director Quentin Tarantino, in the form of a Jesus who takes revenge upon his Roman executioners when he rises from the dead, had its critics, some of them calling it the single most offensive skit in SNL history. And, to be…

Lent is about abundance, God’s abundance.  When we abstain from certain things, be they caffeine or sweets or a compulsion to fix or control things, we make ourselves open to God’s provision. That’s the counter-intuitive, take-home point of James Alison’s reflections on Isaiah 55:1-9 and Luke 13:1-9, in the most recent issue of The Christian…

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