A Fear of Whales

I came across a piece of art recently that puzzled me. I recognized it immediately as a depiction of the miraculous catch of fish, a passage which I have analyzed exhaustively in the last year with InterVarsity. I knew the passage had great things to say about mission and devotion, depth and trust, selection and…

There is an ordinance which passed in the city I live in, which gives equal rights to sinners. Specifically speaking it adds Sexual Preference and Gender Identity to a list of protected statuses according to the American Civil Rights act. The bill is HERE if you’d like to read it. But I’ve read it. And…

I was happy to become one of the first responders to the disaster in Oklahoma City. I was one of the late responders to Katrina, unable to find time to get down there until years after the event, and I’ve often lamented the opportunity missed. When the tornados hit Moore though, it was much closer…

The word cult evokes strong negative feelings, immediate accusations and denials… But no definitions… “Cult” is a disapprobation more than it is a proper category, people use it to mean “religious group I don’t like”. Unfortunately that doesn’t help us to protect people from religious organizations they are not familiar with, and that’s pretty much…

Leaders in the church today are facing a new kind of problem. Previously, the majority of the challenges faced by the church, and by church leaders, were identifiable, comprehensible, and often fully solvable. Some experts now refer to those types of challenges as “technical problems.” In contrast to technical problems, “adaptive challenges” appear to be…

I want to steal one other idea from the book Confident Faith which I wrote about last time and use it as a springboard into talking about something I’ve wanted to broach for a long while, but haven’t known how. In the book, Mark talks about "6 paths to faith" which is a pop level…

I love apologetics, so when I happened into a Christian bookstore today I was happy to see a new apologetics book on the bestseller list. I was even more happy to see it came from Mark Mittelberg, an author I’m very familiar with. he went to my church and I was his son’s small group…

I have a big list of blog ideas. When I get an idea for a blog, I put it on the list. When I get time to write a blog, I open a list and write a page about the idea. Usually I add in some analogy to illustrate it or some argument for it’s…

Generally speaking, the church tolerates apologetics nerds like myself. They acknowledge us, and withhold comment except perhaps to say something like “maybe you could teach a class or something sometime” Sometime never comes. Believe it or not that’s a pretty good lot for us, comparatively. it wasn’t so long ago that we were all but…

I wrote earlier about profanity. I argued that the bible often finds profanity necessary to make it’s point. At the time I said that I wanted to make that point not just to defend profanity, but because there were other points that I felt were important to make, that rested on that point as a…

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