A Fear of Whales

Once upon a time there were only two jobs a person could have: Hunter or Gatherer. There were no Pastors then, no Artists, no Personal Enrichment Gurus. Over time our economic system expanded, we developed farming for plants and animals, and then began to specialize ourselves, such that If I became good at raising pigs,…

As far as I’m concerned, when someone asks the question “do you believe in evolution?” there are two responses. If you do believe that the diversity of life on earth is the result of a hereditary process similar or identical to Darwin’s theory, you should say “Yes, I believe in evolution” If you do not…

This is an article I wrote for the newsletter at the church I used to work at. It was published, in a modified form. Now that I have this audience I thought I'd share it with you. In case you can't tell or didn't know, I was the Youth Pastor of a small youth group…

I wrote previously, and hopefully humorously, about some of the problems with our current conceptions in the church regarding dating. Essentially we've made it way way too complicated, resulting in way way too much pressure being put on an interaction which, to my mind, should be fun. Since I'm not one to criticize without providing…

I feel, that in the church in particular dating has become terribly overcomplicated to the great detriment of many of our relationships. For the sake of all Men, I’d like to make a few things clear -The bible has passages that apply in virtually every situation, but it has nothing specific to say about dating.…

I’ve noticed a recent and disturbing trend in the modern church to act like people are saved by their good doctrine. This is far from the case. I wrote the following study to help combat that sort of thinking. Matthew 8:29 Mark 1:24 Mark 3:11 Mark 5:7 Luke 7:34 Luke 4:41 And of course James…

I spent a year in Collegiate Debate, it was some of the most fun I’ve ever had in school. I often lament that not everyone had the same experience. Debate is excellent for training one to think and communicate quickly and critically, It is an introduction to logic class on steroids, and it inbeds the information it teaches is a…

I believe that the language a person speaks is one of the most important, if not the very most important factor in determining how they think. If you speak English you think in English, and that comes with all sorts of connotative meanings to English words. I’ve studied some Spanish, but not nearly enough to…

Would somebody please explain to me how having a battle with the federal government in the courts about the interpretation of the constitution is supposed to protect the sanctity of a God ordained institution between men and women. Seriously, use the comments section and explain it to me, I just don’t get it. How can…

World of Warcraft (WOW) is a massive online game made by blizzard entertainment. It has absolutely revolutionized the genre of Online RPG gaming and perhaps gaming itself. So much so that we Christians decided we needed to get in on the action by creating one of our own! Yes you heard right. WOW is fun,…

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