On Facebook I saw a status yesterday, after volunteering at vacation bible school that said something along the lines of "Why is it that once we turn 18 we have to stop learning about God by doing crafts and singing silly songs?"

I don’t think he was serious, I think he was being cute, but enough people responded in affirmative ways, saying things like "lol yeah totally" and "what are you talking about? I still sing silly songs!" that as a college pastor I started to get concerned.

There actually is a reason why we grow up in out faith. It’s really quite biblical. Arts and crafts on the other hand are fine, but they are extraneous to the bible, and far from the point of christian discipleship. So just in case, I posted a quick bible reference as a comment, one you probably know: 1 Corinthians 13:11

11When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

To my shock. I found that verse utterly dismissed by my friend. his exact word was "Nahh.."



I criticized the church a while back for not feeding us enough to grow up on, but at the time I pointed the problem more towards the spiritual leaders, arguing that they need to offer more. But there is another side to this maturity issue, and it’s the congratants.

It won’t matter what your pastor teaches so long as you look at it and say "Nahh"

It won’t matter how much of the bible you read, as long as you are prepared to ignore the parts you don’t like.

You can spend all of your life in the best church in the world with access to 5 star discipleship, it won’t do any good for your spiritual growth if you only want to go back to Kids Church

Grow Up.

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