Everyday Spirituality

The attention given to women during March annoys me. It only takes half a minute to look back and see the future. A month of admiration given to women, then comes April Fool’s Day. Just joking, women are on the front line in the fight for equality and respect and our casualties outweigh the survivors.…

Through the study of Christian Science as taught by Mary Baker Eddy, I’ve been able to mentally see further than my physical eyes see. Too often, I see only human beings, and can even be tempted to believe that God created these mortal beings, but it doesn’t make sense because God is Spirit. One spirit.…

First printed in Times Union February 24, 2018 While not excusing sexual misconduct in the name of religion, I dare say religion arms me in the fight against it, even when changes come slowly. I welcome new policies targeting sexual harassment, even if it comes way too late for me. In 1970s, I was sexually…

Physical labor is a mental trust in ageless strength…as I tell myself when shoveling snow.

Spirit persuades rather than forces, attracts rather than pushes, and encourages rather than pulls. We are spiritual ideas rather than human beings. From 21st Century Science and Health: Science reveals Spirit, Soul, as reflected by spiritual beings. Soul is not in a body, but is reflected by spiritual beings. The belief that the eternal reality…

Zen Dogs and other Woofs is a 42 page booklet with a collection of blogs and articles to inspire the soul. Click image below to purchase and enjoy reading.

Amid our nation’s terrors, we should remember that our neighbors need comfort and hope, they need useful religion. The bad news is that religion gets a bad rap in the West. The good news is that religion is on the increase globally, providing plenty of opportunity to make religion more useful. A Barna Research study…

Dealing with sensitive issues such as revising church by-laws, calls this question to mind: Are you relying on God’s law, or on human laws? In other words, leaders who penned by-laws are not called into question. They did their job for their era. But that doesn’t discount us from doing our job of outlining guidance…

Arguably, religion’s usefulness is exhausted at times or gets polluted. So, how can nearly 6 billion faith adherents keep religion useful? Religion News Service asked faith leaders to predict the 2018 religious landscape. Here are two responses: an increase in women’s influence in the wider society as well as in the churches; and speaking truth…

Earth serves as a bountiful source of life, beauty, and food for us. It’s only natural we’d want to return the treatment. But human ego, greed, confusion, and fear tempt us to do that which is unnatural, and suffering is felt. Too often, we make others suffer first. But it doesn’t have to be this…

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