Everyday Spirituality

To temper Islamophobia, here is a video produced by my colleagues that I thought was really good. I can vouch for the integrity of the producers, videographer, and Under Sheriff who spoke on the video. Click here Quoting from science & religion to God, “Wealth, fame, and social organizations have no pull with God. We…

My neighbor started fostering a cat from our local Heart of the Catskills Humane Society. Our grand-daughter visited and we walked over to meet Musafa. What a charming cat. This blog is to encourage others to foster or adopt pets from local humane societies. It’s also to encourage walking when we can, rather than hope…

One hundred and fifty years ago, a woman living in Swampscott, Massachusetts, had an ah-ha moment. She couldn’t describe the epiphany, but it resulted in an instant recovery from an injury caused a few days earlier that had left her bedridden. The attending physician and friends of the New England woman called the recovery a…

First printed in The Daily Star, Oneonta, New York. Death and dying By Cheryl Petersen With the advancement of medicine is coming an advancement in how we participate in death and dying. Five local professionals, served as a panelist at the Fly Creek Methodist Church, and brought discussion on the topic of accepting death and…

Habitat for Humanity International was founded in 1976 by Millard and Linda Fuller. A branch of this Christian ministry has been active in our community for 23 years. Last week, there was a ribbon cutting for a home that now belongs to a married couple and their young children. “It took a lot of patience…

The film: What We Did on Our Holiday, is not bad. I’d even recommend it to watch. It’s about a soon-to-be divorced couple, with 3 children, who travel to Scotland to attend the 75th birthday party of terminally ill “grandfather.” The couple decides it is better not to tell the grandfather that they are headed…

Excerpt from new book, “from science & religion to God” Humans must improve their ideals in order to improve their models. Sick thoughts evolve sick bodies. Selfishness evolves not only carnal pains, but also the carnal pleasures that bring disappointment. When we look to the flesh for life, we find death. When we look to matter…

Excerpts from new book, “from science & religion to God,” by Cheryl Petersen Human thoughts have their degrees of comparison. Some are better than others. A belief in Truth is better than a belief in error. But to be grounded on rock, the belief must advance with divine logic and revelation. Spiritual progress radiates movement…

Excerpts from my new book, “from science & religion to God,” Opponents who attack faith should be careful not to confuse spiritual faith with blind faith. Faith is necessary in science, medicine, and religion. Consider the researcher or scientist who is trying to find a cure for cancer; they obviously have faith that a cure…

Excerpts from my new book, a briefer narrative of Mary Baker Eddy’s “Science and Health.” Q. What is error? A. Error is a term used to describe human beliefs or incomplete, immature concepts. Error is the contradiction of Truth. It’s a lack of understanding. Error is that which seems to be and is not. There…

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