Everyday Spirituality

For almost a year, our washing machine has been making such a loud racket when in operation that I could no longer be in the house when washing clothes. Sell the house! Finally, I called Ralph, a repairman. Mainly because buying a new machine would cost a bunch of money. But I don’t like calling…

Subject: Life Golden text: I John 1: 1-3 That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we looked upon and have touched with our hands, concerning the word of life— 2 the life was made manifest, and we have seen it, and testify to it and…

It’s been a weird month, though it started out fine. My father-in-law died. The death was expected. He lived a long and useful life, leaving behind amazing children and their progeny. My husband and I traveled 6,000 miles to attend the celebration of his life. When returned home, I was stunned to learn that our…

This is the winning essay for the July 4 contest sponsored by Annie’s Mailbox: Happy Birthday America By Maureen Green Our strength is not bounded by gender. Define our roles, and we will defy your expectations. Our opportunity is not bounded by circumstance. Challenge our limits, and we will prevail. Our freedom is not bounded…

Out on the job, I spontaneously came across some news that seemed bad, then instantly good. I was talking with the director of the local animal humane society. I asked if she received the picture of my neighbor, Adam, and the cat he was fostering from the society. The director knew exactly who I was…

The distressing news about a gunman killing 50 people in a gay bar in Florida prompts me to express sadness and alertness. The notion that murder is an answer is very sad, and demands vigilant alertness. I want to see the bigger picture so as not to fall into the trap of spiritual amnesia. Spiritual…

PEACE By Chris Rosenthal of Harmony Hill Retreat in upstate New York My occasional visitor My intermittent friend How may I beckon you to move in?  Listen, You say, To your Inner Soul And allow your true Self To unfold.  Then I can have it? Is that all I do? My being me will Lead…

Most of us like a little adventure. I consider my spiritual journey an adventure. The thing about adventures are that they come with risks and unknowns. It’s curiosity that cheers us through an adventure. But that curiosity can turn to fear if we aren’t patient. My neighbor has an indoor cat. He wanted to take…

I interviewed a woman in her seventies, who returned from hiking Kilimanjaro, in Tanzania, Africa. “It took seven days,” said Kathy. “The climbing is very well organized by the government. My group had an outstanding Guide Team and porters.” Kilimanjaro is 19,341 feet high. “Slowly, slowly, we walked to acclimate,” she said. Two striking memories…

The owner of Sher-Brook Dairy told me that it is the “little moments” that keep him going. He milks 32 cows, twice a day, seven days a week. The milk is certified organic. Farming is done organically and all cow care is accomplished with organic products. It was the owner’s comment about “little moments” that…

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